Favorite diet is a regulated nutrition system that allows you to lose weight up to 10 kilograms in 7 days and cleanse the body of toxins and toxins in a natural way. This method of losing weight does not belong to the category of mono-diets. Her diet is designed so that breakfast, lunch and dinner are different foods. Thanks to this, she will not get bored, and the week of dietary nutrition will pass easily and naturally.
To accelerate natural fat burning, you must strictly follow your exercise and walking regimen. Physical activity directly depends on the calorie content of the diet.
Make sure there are no health problems before starting a diet. A medical examination is recommended. Kidney disease, colitis, gastritis, ulcers are contraindications to the use of your favorite diet.
Despite the variety of the diet, this dietary program remains strict, unbalanced, which is reflected in the state of the body. With "influxes" a person feels unwell, mood changes dramatically. Therefore, during the period of weight loss, it is important to additionally consume vitamins and minerals.
Distinguish between two types of favorite diet: "strict version" and "gentle method". In the first case, the results of losing weight show that in a week you can get rid of 10 extra pounds, in the second - from 6 kilograms.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Interestingly, each day of your favorite diet is dedicated to a specific product. In fact, this food system is a chain of fasting days (fruit, protein, vegetable). Thanks to this, a systematic weight loss occurs, and the body does not experience bouts of hunger pangs.
The mechanism of action of your favorite diet is based on stimulating metabolism, and as a result, the introduction of the body into a state of controlled stress. By consuming one macronutrient in large quantities, the body is forced to change the process of processing nutrients. As a result, the body begins to actively burn energy reserves accumulated in the form of organic matter - fat and glycogen.
To achieve the maximum result of losing weight and minimize discomfort during the period of dieting, it is recommended to abandon long absences, urgent matters, negotiations, since most of the days are accompanied by an increase in the load on the kidneys and intestinal motility.
Throughout the entire weight loss cycle, it is recommended to rest more, walk, avoid stressful situations.
Diet Benefits:
- No restrictions on permitted products.
- High efficiency.
How much can you lose on your favorite diet? The results and feedback from those who have lost weight are impressive: in a week a person becomes slimmer by 6 - 10 kilograms.
- Cleansing the body.
- Lack of side effects from the body: dizziness, nausea, fatigue, lethargy, weakness.
- High rate of weight loss. The feeling of lightness increases every day.
- Short duration (classic version is designed for a week).
- Diet variety.
- Lack of hunger attacks.
- Blood pressure surges.
- Individual intolerance.
- May aggravate chronic diseases.
- Reuse of the weight loss program is possible only after three months.
- Scarcity of dietary ration for vitamins, macro- and microelements.
- Bowel problems (from spending three days on the water).
- depression;
- renal and heart failure;
- intense physical activity;
- surgical intervention in the abdominal organs;
- pregnancy;
- breastfeeding;
- diabetes mellitus;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- hypertension.
A favorite diet is a strict weight loss technique that can only be practiced by people who do not have health problems. Otherwise, you can aggravate the condition, "earn" a digestive upset, exacerbate current diseases (transfer them from chronic to acute), undermine immunity, get problems with teeth, gums, hair, nails, muscle tissues.
If you have health problems, it is recommended to give preference to gentle weight loss options. Before losing weight, consult your doctor.
Seven-Day Gentle Diet Marathon
To achieve the desired result, before starting to lose weight, first prepare your body. In no case do not follow the statement "today we will eat enough, and tomorrow I will start to lose weight. "During the preparatory period (at least 14 days), food must comply with the principles of a healthy diet. Namely, limit the use of fatty, flour, sweet foods. Enrich the diet with fermented milk products, cereals, vegetables, fruits, herbs.
It is forbidden to season food with salt, sugar and to drink strong alcoholic drinks throughout the diet.
Detailed description
1st, 3rd and 6th - Drinking days
During this period, it is allowed to consume only liquid, without restrictions. The most effective are meat broth (from poultry fillets), unsweetened vegetable juices (from carrots, pumpkin), low-fat fermented milk drinks (1%), still water, herbal teas.
The pomace of fresh fruit is considered a food rather than a drink. So, the energy value of one glass of fresh juice reaches 110 calories. In this regard, limit the daily intake of juices to 400 milliliters on "liquid" days. And to reduce the calorie content and sugar concentration, dilute the vitamin cocktail with water by 50%.
Store juices and cold teas, alcohol, sweet carbonated drinks are prohibited. The main focus should be on warm water. It is the best natural solvent. The minimum volume of drinking water per day is 2 liters. Together with the "waste" liquid, the body will leave slags, toxins, extra pounds.
On drinking days, intestinal peristalsis is activated, and the maximum load falls on the kidneys, so edema may appear. Try to get more rest during this period, avoid strenuous physical activity. Due to the lack of protein in the diet, the following side reactions from the body occur: weakness, nausea, loss of strength, dizziness.
In one drinking day, you can lose up to 2 kilograms of extra intercellular fluid.
2nd - Vegetable Day (Vegetarian)
Products are recommended to be eaten raw. However, the heat treatment of vegetables is allowed - cooking and baking. To dull intense hunger, divide your meals by 5 times (3 full and 2 snacks). A single serving is up to 300 grams, and the daily calorie content of the diet is 1000 calories.
The must-have vegetable of the day is white cabbage, which serves as a natural fat burner. First of all, it is a low-calorie product - only 27 calories are concentrated in 100 grams. Secondly, white cabbage holds the record for the content of tartronic acid among other vegetables, which inhibits the conversion of carbohydrates into fat. In addition, the leafy vegetable is a storehouse of dietary fiber. At zero energy value, fiber frees the intestines from toxins, normalizes the microflora of the digestive tract, supplies the body with vitamins C, P, B, U and microelements (sulfur, calcium, phosphorus), removes excess fluid.
Other recommended vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, carrots, bell peppers, herbs. You can add a maximum of 30 milliliters of low-fat yogurt, vegetable oil, or soy sauce to your salad to enhance the flavor. If desired, the vegetables are sprinkled with lemon juice.
While following your favorite diet, it is forbidden to use ketchup, mayonnaise, sour cream, mustard, horseradish, adjika and fatty dressings.
4th - Fruit Day
During the day, you can eat any fruit that does not cause allergies, with the exception of grapes and bananas. Pay attention to kiwi, pineapple, grapefruit, apples, oranges, watermelon. These are the best fat burners.
Nutritionists recommend opting for grapefruit on the fourth day. This is the best helper in the fight against excess weight. It normalizes the correct metabolic rate, dulls appetite, and at the same time saturates the body with vitamin C.
The daily arsenal of fruits to fight body fat: 2 grapefruits, 4 tangerines, 200 grams of pineapple, ¼ watermelon, 3 apples, 4 kiwi. Eat every 2 - 3 hours for 1 - 2 fruits, in between - drink still water. You can eat up to 2. 5 kilograms of fruit per day.
5th - Protein Day
- Rule # 1:Don't pounce on food.
- Rule # 2:Observe the measure.
- Rule # 3:Divide the food into 5 portions of 100-200 grams each.
A protein diet is designed to saturate a hungry body with protein. Eat every 3 hours.
Allowed Foods: Eggs (chicken protein), shrimp, boiled fish and chicken breast, low-fat cottage cheese and plain yogurt. Food must not be seasoned.
For complete digestion of protein foods - consume at least 2 liters of water per day.
For vegetarians, the protein day menu can be tailored to individual preferences, without meat. In this case, the diet will consist of the following products: low-fat cottage cheese, soft cheese with a fat content of up to 25%, soy milk (tofu), legumes (beans, beans, lentils, chickpeas), eggs, feta cheese, seafood.
7th - Exit Day
Represents a transition period from a dietary menu to a familiar, complete diet. The optimal solution for organizing meals on the seventh day is a combination of fruits and vegetables with daily meals. Do not get carried away with salt so that excess fluid does not stagnate in the body.
Exiting the diet should be careful and gradual. Don't overeat, add only one new product daily.
Due to a poor diet, significant physical activity and strength training with your favorite diet are undesirable, they provoke a sharp attack of hunger, increase the risk of breakdown and can negate all efforts. Limit yourself to daily morning 15-minute gymnastics and an hour and a half walking.
In order to avoid re-gaining weight, arrange fasting days every week, regularly measure body weight. If the indicator deviates from the norm, immediately proceed with the correction of the figure, do not delay. Otherwise, another 10 may “come” for three extra pounds. Exclude carbonated drinks, mayonnaise, fried potatoes from the diet. Minimize your consumption of baked goods and sweets.
Sample Diet
Day # 1
- breakfast - kefir - 200 milliliters 1%;
- lunch - unsalted chicken fillet broth - 200 milliliters;
- afternoon tea - carrot juice - 200 milliliters;
- dinner - plain yogurt - 150 ml.
Day # 2
- breakfast - tomatoes - 2 pieces;
- lunch - salad of white cabbage, greens, cucumbers, seasoned with olive oil - 250 grams;
- afternoon tea - boiled beets - 100 grams;
- dinner - a salad of bell peppers and cucumbers - 150 grams.
Day # 3
- breakfast - green or herbal tea (from common tansy, coltsfoot, birch leaves, elderflower flowers) - 250 milliliters;
- second breakfast - milk - 200 milliliters;
- lunch - chicken breast broth - 200 milliliters;
- afternoon tea - freshly squeezed pumpkin juice - 200 milliliters;
- dinner - kefir 1% - 200 milliliters.
Day # 4
- breakfast - orange - 2 pieces, kiwi - 1 piece;
- second breakfast - grapefruit - 1 piece, kiwi - 1 piece;
- lunch - salad of 200 grams of pineapple, 1 apple, 1 kiwi;
- afternoon tea - ¼ watermelon, apple - 1 piece;
- dinner - grapefruit - 1 piece, kiwi - 1 piece.
Day # 5
- breakfast - boiled chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
- second breakfast - steamed lean fish (hake) - 200 grams;
- lunch - boiled peas - 100 grams, boiled chicken breast - 150 grams;
- afternoon snack - low-fat cottage cheese - 100 grams;
- dinner - boiled shrimp - 100 grams.
Day 6
- breakfast - freshly squeezed carrot and pumpkin juice - 200 milliliters:
- second breakfast - kefir 1% - 200 milliliters;
- lunch - chicken broth - 200 milliliters;
- afternoon tea - green tea - 250 milliliters;
- dinner - herbal decoction of coltsfoot - 200 milliliters.
Day 7
- breakfast - boiled chicken eggs - 2 pieces, cucumber - 1 piece;
- second breakfast - freshly squeezed grapefruit juice - 200 milliliters;
- lunch - vegetable puree soup with chicken broth - 200 grams;
- afternoon tea - kefir 1% - 200 milliliters or kiwi - 2 pieces;
- Dinner - salad of sweet peppers, tomatoes, white cabbage, sprinkled with lemon juice - 200 grams, soft cheese - 30 grams.
If weight loss is slow, it is recommended to complete 2 circles of your favorite diet for a total of 12 days or 14 days.
Seven Day Strict Diet Marathon
A rigid version of your favorite diet provides for a strict restriction on the menu for losing weight.
1st and 2nd - Drinking days
Allowed: water (2 liters per day), kefir 0% (1 liter per day).
3rd - Apple Day
Eat only fresh apples throughout the day. The allowable volume is 2 kilograms.
Drink water between fruit to neutralize acid. Substitute apples for oranges if desired.
4th, 5th, 6th - Chicken days
Limit the use of boiled chicken fillets up to 6 times a day. Single serving - 200 grams. Drink plenty of fluids.
7th - Alcoholic (wine) day
At the final stage, the diet consists of low-fat cheese - 30 grams and dry white wine - 150 milliliters in the morning, at lunch, for dinner.
If you need to continue losing weight, go through the second round (next 7 days) according to the “sparing” option. Otherwise, you can disrupt the work of the digestive system and "earn" gastritis.
Regardless of the type of your favorite diet ("strict" or "sparing"), it is recommended to take vitamin and mineral complexes (in capsules, tablets, pills) throughout the entire period of weight loss. The drugs will help support the body in such a difficult period, replenish the nutrient deficiency caused by an unbalanced diet. In addition, vitamins have been proven by nutritionists to improve metabolic reactions and accelerate weight loss. And the complex of nutrients, moreover, will strengthen the immune system, increase the ability to work, relieve malaise, normalize the psycho-emotional background, improve the elasticity of the skin, calm the nervous system, relieve the appearance of stretch marks, sagging and sagging dermis.
Essential nutrients, the lack of which the body acutely tolerates during the diet, include: ascorbic acid (C), cholecalciferol (D), tocopherol (E), retinol (A), B vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids (F), magnesium. . .
Tips of European nutritionists on how to gain weight quickly
- Drink plenty of fluids between meals.
- Healthy lifestyle.
- Positive mental attitude.
- Balanced split meals.
- A set of physical exercises.
- Limiting "junk" foods.
- Switching from red meat to poultry and fish.
- Focus on fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Avoiding sugar, fried, fatty, white flour products.
- Fortification of the diet with whole grains and cereals.
- Avoiding low-fat dairy products in favor of products with a low fat content (up to 5%).
- No overeating.
- Exercise regularly.
- Don't pounce on food.
- Don't skip breakfast, don't eat after 18. 00.
- The main meal is breakfast, lunch.
- Not salting food.
- Eat from a small plate slowly, without swallowing the dish.
- Arrange fasting days 1 - 2 times a week.
- Do not end your meal with fruit as it will ferment.
- Weigh yourself systematically, measure your waist.
- Quitting bad habits.
- Training of taste buds.
- Promenade.
- The calorie content of the dishes should correspond to the rhythm of the day.
- Keep only healthy foods in the refrigerator.
- Drink herbal teas that improve metabolism.
- Do not eat on the go, eat only when you feel hungry
- The preferred method of cooking is boiling, baking, or steaming.
- Variety of diet: vegetables can be used to make not only salads, but also smoothies, mashed soups, casseroles, fat-burning cocktails, green rolls.
In the fight against excess weight, the most important thing is to understand that food is not the main thing in life! Don't make a cult out of her. Food is needed to keep the body afloat, nothing more. Set your priorities, define your main goal in life.
Favorite diet - a seven-day chain of fasting days, designed to cleanse the body of toxins and deal with extra 6-10 kilograms. In addition, at the end of the "hunger strike" the stomach contracts in volume and the feeling of fullness comes faster. Accordingly, less food is required to satisfy hunger.
Nutritionists recommend using a gentle regimen of your favorite diet, as it is easier to tolerate and less aggressive to the digestive system. Any change in diet is stress for the body. The dietary menu is often unbalanced and causes hypovitaminosis. Lack of nutrients worsens health, irritability, lethargy, apathy, depression appear.
To maintain health and saturation of the body with nutrients throughout the entire period of weight loss, it is recommended to take vitamin and mineral complexes.
Favorite diet - a combination of a low-calorie diet and an active lifestyle.
Daily morning exercises, long walks, a healthy eight-hour sleep, positive emotions, plenty of drink and the right attitude are the fundamental principles of the "unloading" method of losing weight. The maximum duration of your favorite diet is 14 days; you can repeat the course only after three months. Otherwise, you risk undermining your health: provoke the development of diseases of the digestive, excretory systems, cause problems with the skin, nails, hair. Consult your doctor before embarking on a dietary nutrition program.